Some companies provide services/goods to customers but they can’t send the bill/invoice to customer after item fulfillment/service provided time. They will generate a statement at the month end. At the time of statement generation total provided items/services cost is list down in ‘Generate Statement’ page. After statement/bill generation send it to customer through email/fax.
Statement Charges Process Flow:
Eligible items to create ‘Statement Charges’ in NetSuite:
- Lot Numbered.
- Serialized.
- Non Inventory.
For Resale
For Sale. - Other Charge.
For Resale
For Sale. - Service.
For Resale
For Sale. - Discount.
- Markup
Create Statement Charges:
Navigation: Transaction > Sales > Create Statement Charges.
Create statement charges at the time of goods/services provide.
Generate Statement Charges:
Navigation: Transaction > Customers > Generate Statement Charges.
Generate Statement Charges at the month end.
Print Statement Charges: We have ‘Print’ option at statement generation page for print statement charge. Below pic is an example of ‘Statement Charge’.
Statement Charges Payment: At the payment record statement charges are appear under invoices tab.