By using ‘Pricing Group’, as per customer based prices are displayed in sales transactions. For example customer is a wholesaler. And sell the all items at wholesale price. In sales transactions price levels mentioning for each added item at line level record it’s take more time. But we have an option In NetSuite. That is ‘Pricing Group’. By using this ‘Pricing Group’ in sales transactions prices are displayed as per customer-specific dynamically when add the item in sales transaction.
1) Create 'Pricing Group'
2) Assign'pricing Group' in below mentioned records.
a) Item record.
b) Customer record .
Create ‘Pricing Group’: Navigation for ‘Pricing Group’ record isGo to > Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists > New > Pricing Group.
After click on ‘Pricing Group’ display ‘Pricing Group’ record.
Assign ‘Pricing Group’: After creating ‘Pricing Group’ this group is need to assign below mentioned records.
- Assign in an ‘Item’ record: Lists> Accounting > Items > Sales/Pricing subtab > choose the created group in ‘Pricing Group’ field
- Assign in ‘Customer’ record: Lists > Relationships > Customer > Financial subtab > Group Pricing tab > Select ‘Pricing Group’ which you want to assign.
Finally, by using this feature, automatically ‘Price Levels’ are displayed for specific customers (Items pricing group = Customer pricing group) in sales order (Ex: Transactions > Sales order > New).
Easy to Specifies the customers that are assigned to price groups, which makes it easy to set up sales prices that depend on the customer who buys the item.