How to Configure Workflows(SuiteFlow) in NetSuite?

Posted by CuriousRubik on 23 Mar, 2018

SuiteFlow is a user friendly interface for creating and executing business process automations, In NetSuite SuiteFlow is also known as “Workflows”. SuiteFlow is used to customize the system functionality and business process without any scripting needed.

The amazing part of NetSuite’s workflow tool is that this cloud-based ERP system can be customized to fit your unique business needs, in every aspect. Play with the workflow until it suits your needs.

Workflows can be applied for both standard and custom record types with various actions such as fields making disabled, normal, hidden, mandatory, send emails, setting field values, adding & removing buttons and go to page & records and more.

Once you know what you need, take your requirements and begin building out a NetSuite workflow. Create states, transitions, and actions to accommodate your business requirements. Test your workflow against the business requirements.

For example, a simple workflow could be defaulting a field on a form, or hiding a field if a particular user role views those records. A more complex workflow can involve multiple stages, transitions, and actions. Once the workflow is implemented, NetSuite keeps track of every stage in a workflow on a workflow log of the record. The workflow essentially lives within the record, to better aid in your own audit trail of each stage, transition, and decision that ultimately helped you arrive at the current state.

Starting a NetSuite Workflow:

Enable the Workflow feature in your NetSuite

Go to Setup -> company -> enable features, under SuiteCloud tab check the SuiteFlow box and click on save



After enabling the SuiteFlow feature then, Goto--> Customizations->Workflows->New to access the SuiteFlow interface.



Workflows work on specific record type and can only be used to configure changes on that selected record type. Once you have selected the workflow record type, it cannot be changed after click on save button, so it is important to make sure that you select the correct record when initially creating your workflow.
For each workflow we can setup the Trigger types (Before Record Load, Before Record Submit, After Record Submit), Event types (Create, Edit, View, approve and more), Context types(CSV Import, Custom Mass Update, User Interface, Offline Client, User Event Script and more) etc.

NetSuite workflow templates:

NetSuite includes the following 3 workflow templates

  • Journal Entry Basic Approval
  • Purchase Order Basic Approval
  • Sales Order Basic Approval


Workflows are used to customize system functionality according to business needs without any scripting needed.

Topics: CRM, NetSuite, Netsuiteblog

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