StickyNotes lets employees to create and track notes on record pages. It helps to communicate effectively with others by adding recipients to ensure that only specific people have access to your notes, or by making it as public to make it visible to all employees with access to the record page.
For installing the bundle navigate through Customzation–>SuiteBundler –>Search & Install Bundles and search for
Name – StickyNotes (Beta)
Bundle ID – 49018
After installing the bundle Administrator should setup the following configurations
1. Enabling StickyNotes on record types (Both Custom or Standard)
2. Setting up default preferences (Like Priority, Font Size and Note Size)
Enabling StickyNotes on record types
a. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.
b. Find the StickyNotes Record Typecustom record and then click List.
c. Click on New StickyNotes Record Type and select the record type and save the record
d. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences, and then click the Custom Preferences
e. In the StickyNotes Beta section, check the Enable on All Record Page
Default Preferences
Administrators can set the default preferences
For StickyNotes that were created by employees, Administrators can default preferences like Priority, Font Size and Note Size, to do so open the below highlighted record types and create records based requirement.
Configure access to StickyNotes
To configure access to Sticky Notes edit the deployments of following scripts and assign permissions by Role, Department, Group, Employees and save the record.
• StickyNotes Board Suitelet Deployment
• StickyNotes Record Page User Event
Adding New Note
1. Open the record page where you want to add a note.
2. From the StickyNotes Toolbar, click on any of the note icons to create a new note.
Mark as Done – Crosses out the note content to indicate that action items have been completed. Anyone with access to the note can mark the note as done.
Reply – Opens a new reply note. Type your message in the space provided. Anyone with access to the note can send a reply.
Expand Replies – Expands notes to view all replies.
Compile Replies – Collapses note replies.
Delete Note – Deletes the current note. You can only delete notes you created.
Archive Note – Archives the current note. Archived notes will no longer appear on the record page, but they can still be viewed on the StickyNotes Board. You can only archive notes you created.
StickyNotes Board
The StickyNotes Board is a convenient location from where you can view notes (both active and archived) across record pages. The board displays notes that you have created and received.
To access navigate to Lists–> Productivity –> StickyNotes Board